Rackspace vs Google Cloud Platform

October 15, 2021

Rackspace vs Google Cloud Platform

When it comes to cloud deployment services, Rackspace and Google Cloud Platform are two of the most well-known and highly respected providers in the game. These two offer outstanding cloud computing capabilities for businesses that want to migrate their services to the cloud.

In this post, we’ll take an in-depth look at Rackspace and Google Cloud Platform, comparing them in various areas, including pricing, performance, features, and customer support.


The cost of cloud deployment is always a considerable factor to consider when choosing a service provider. Rackspace offers customized pricing plans based on individual business needs, providing transparency to customers. Their pricing model is tailored to specific needs, and you only pay for what you use, which makes Rackspace cost-effective if your business only needs a few services.

On the other hand, Google Cloud Platform offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model. Its cost is based on resource utilization, offering customers discounts on extended use.

Both Rackspace and Google Cloud Platform offer various pricing plans that suit different business sizes and needs. However, in terms of price, Rackspace seems to be more cost-effective for small-scale businesses, while Google Cloud Platform offers better deals for larger enterprises.


Performance is another crucial factor to consider when it comes to cloud deployment. According to independent research, Google Cloud Platform offers better overall performance and more features than Rackspace in terms of elasticity, scalability, and automation.

While Rackspace has an excellent reputation for customer support, Google Cloud Platform's performance and scalability capabilities are outstanding, making it a better option for businesses that require high-performance computing and storage.


Rackspace and Google Cloud Platform both offer a multitude of features that businesses need to take their services to the cloud. Some of these features include:

  • Data backup
  • Security
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Monitoring
  • Compliance
  • Application Hosting

Both Rackspace and Google Cloud Platform offer excellent features, and choosing between them can depend on your immediate needs and long-term objectives.

Customer Support

Customer support is also an essential aspect of cloud deployment. Rackspace offers 24/7/365 Fanatical Support, which provides businesses with a dedicated support team to resolve any issues. On the other hand, Google Cloud Platform offers Enterprise-level customer support, although it may cost more than Rackspace.


Ultimately, both Rackspace and Google Cloud Platform offer superb cloud deployment services, and their features and pricing plans are carefully designed to suit various business sizes and needs. The provider you choose ultimately depends on your specific requirements as a business.

At the end of the day, Rackspace and Google Cloud platforms are both excellent options for cloud deployment, with strengths in different areas. Assessing your specific needs and evaluating each provider based on those factors should help you decide which solution is the best fit for your business.


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